RAs need to comply with rules

"Even though there is no law that says you cannot hire security guards for your residence... you cannot block the community or others from moving in/out. You must also respect the rights of others.

You will be breaking the laws when you block public roads, or stop cars and ask for identification such as MyKad or Driver's License from the public. [Fyi, using access card system is also illegal in all non strata residences.]

You can only instruct your private security guards to take down the details of vehicles moving in/out, such as the date & time, car model, colour and registration number only.

Do not intimidate or bully other law-abiding residents/citizens. Do not act like gangsters and please do not act as though you own the housing estate. Do not operate informal GnG scheme if you do not know the laws/guidelines. Please be informed accordingly."

The Silent Majority


*  Akta Perlindungan Data Peribadi (you shouldn't reveal your personal details to anyone)

GC vs GN scheme

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